Dubuque Chiropractor Shares 6 Natural Tips to Ease Facial Twitching

Traditionally, individuals suffering from trigeminal neuralgia turned to anticonvulsant medications. Nowadays, alternative drugs are being employed to alleviate the anguish of what’s often described as ‘the most excruciating pain known to humanity.’ In severe instances, surgical interventions have been considered as a final recourse for pain relief. Others also opt for a holistic option – seeking help from a Dubuque chiropractor. Discover how gentle adjustments from an Upper Cervical doctor work as a viable choice for people living with severe facial pain due to trigeminal neuralgia.

Here at Asbury Family Chiropractic, we use a precise and gentle method to help realign the bones of the neck into their proper place. Call us at (563) 582-3424 or click the button below.