Tag: painful ear

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Finding Natural Remedies for Vertigo Suffering in Dubuque, IA

Vertigo could be described as a false sensation of movement where the mind is tricked in thinking the world is spinning around the person. Identifying the cause only happens for about half of vertigo cases, and it is often linked to an issue found within the upper cervical spine. The most common kind of vertigo…
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Cyber Dizziness: The Overlooked Problem of the 21st Century

Dizziness is the feeling of being lightheaded, unbalanced, or woozy. It affects our sensory organs, particularly the eyes and ears, and it can often cause fainting because of this. Dizziness itself is not a disease, rather it is a symptom of one. Some people may get dizziness mixed up with vertigo or disequilibrium. Vertigo is…
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10 08 vertigom1

The Menace of Meniere’s Disease and an Easy Solution

Meniere’s disease is known to cause attacks of dizziness accompanied by a spinning sensation (vertigo), ringing or other noise in the ear (tinnitus), and hearing loss. The last two mentioned, tinnitus and hearing loss, may gradually become permanent if not cared for. If you have your driver’s license, you will be asked to stop driving…
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08 20 Vertigo 25 2

4 Reasons for Vertigo and How to Find Help to Cope

Vertigo is a spinning sensation. You may feel as if you are spinning, or the things around you may seem to be spinning. This can happen briefly and go away, or it may happen continuously, lasting for longer periods of time. The source of vertigo is the inner ear, which is responsible for your balance…
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Meniere’s Disease, Vertigo, and Your Neck

Vertigo is only one component of Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear.  Aside from episodes of vertigo, Meniere’s disease sufferers also experience tinnitus (ringing in the ear), loss of hearing, and a feeling of congestion or fullness in the ear.  The vertigo attacks can either come on slowly and expectedly following a period…
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07 16 Vertigo 11

Vertigo Facts Lead to a Natural Solution

Vertigo is often confused with dizziness, which is a general feeling of lightheadedness. However, vertigo involves a false sensation of motion. Many experience it as a feeling that the room is spinning. We’re about to take a look at some more interesting vertigo facts and a natural means of finding relief that is proving successful…
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